Αρχική σελίδα » Ανακοινώσεις » Προβολή νέων » Ivo De Gennaro


Στο πλαίσιο της Σειράς Διαλέξεων που διοργανώνει το

Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών «Φιλοσοφία»

του Τμήματος Φιλοσοφίας (ΕΚΠΑ)

για μεταπτυχιακούς φοιτητές και ερευνητές,

σας καλούμε στην διάλεξη:


« Indicating Da-sein »


Ivo De Gennaro 

Free University of Bolzano 

Προλογίζει η Επίκουρη Καθηγήτρια κ. Φωτεινή Βασιλείου


Παρασκευή  16  Δεκεμβρίου  2024, 18.00


Αίθουσα «Κ.Θ. Δημαράς» του Ιστορικού Αρχείου ΕΚΠΑ,

Σκουφά 45, Αθήνα



"The talk provides some elements for tracing the phenomenon of Da-sein, i.e., there-being. It begins with a tentative phenomenological diagnosis of the fundamental trait of our epoch. It appears that fundamental metaphysical positions – that is, positions which provide a foundation of the beingness of beings – cannot envisage what this diagnosis shows. To indicate what remains implicit and not openly addressed within the scope of such positions, a seemingly 'linguistic' way is taken, namely the analysis of how the word 'there' speaks in the English language. The presentation then rivets on the phenomenon 'there' and asks, if and in what form it can be retrieved in the philosophical tradition. It becomes apparent that in Greek thought the notion of ἀλήθεια, while in certain respects indicating the same as the “there”, did not become a phenomenon in its own right, as it remained a mere trait of the Greek understanding of being as beingness, i.e., φύσις. The analysis finally turns back to the phenomenon 'there' and ends with an indication of the form of 'being' that is implicit in the 'there' itself and, together with the latter, forms the name 'there-being'."


Ivo De Gennaro is Associate Professor of Moral Philosophy at the Free University of BozenBolzano (Italy). His research is in fundamental ethics, to which he brings a perspective informed by hermeneutic phenomenology. His recent books are: Vincoli etici. Tra metafisica, scienza e arte (Ibis, 2022) and Principles of Philosophy. A Phenomenological Approach (Alber, 2019). Recent articles include: “Fostering Difference. A Phenomenological Approach to Equality, Difference, and Inclusion”, eudia, Vol. 17/2023 (with R. Lüfter); “Ethics of Musical Time (Celibidache, Husserl)” (New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy, Volume XIX/2023); “Wertvolle Engleisungen. Zur Gefährdung der akademischen Freiheit heute” (in: Borsche T. (Hrsg.), Akademische Freiheit, Alber 2023). Presently he is working on a monograph on Nietzsche’s economy of time and a joint monograph (with M. Borghi and G. Zaccaria) on the subjugation of science by evaluative practices.